Adult Student Outreach

Student Letter: Matt Holmes

Dear Student...

Matt HolmesI want to commend you on going back to school.  I am not sure why you decided to go back to school and I know you have your reasons, but I want you to remember on why you are going back to school.  In the near future there are going to be times when you are going to get overwhelmed.  I didn't realize how much time is needed to get good grades in school.  The reason on why I want you to remember is during a Wednesday night and you have to write a paper and study for a test and its like 930 at night and you have to work in the morning, these are the times you have to remember why you are doing it.

I will also say to you that you can't get behind. Getting behind just adds pressure and stress to what you already have going on.  I know its easier said than done (I have been behind for some of the semester), but you have to focus on doing what you have to do.  This is not an easy thing that you about to do, as a matter of fact, its really hard but you have to persevere and get through it.

I want to give you some advice on how I survived my first semester in school.  The most important thing is time management.  I made school a priority for me.  What I mean is that whatever time that I had available I made sure that I had a book in my hand or I was doing homework.  I know that set schedules are very hard to keep and with a lot of people its impossible, so I took advantage of all the time that I had available.

The other thing that I tried to do is put all of my important school dates in my phone and tablet.  This makes sure that I didn't forget a date and made sure that I was getting all of my homework and tests in on time.  I am a strictly an online student and this is something that was a problem for me.  I needed to make sure that I was organized so I didn't forget dates for any of my assignments.

I just want to say good luck and remember why you are doing it.  It will help you when there are times are tough.