University Honors Program (UHP)

Honors Exchange Points

Honors Program

To graduate with University Honors the student must earn 21 honor “points”.

A minimum of 9 honor points must be earned through Designated Honor Sections (for example 120.08H), H-Options, or through Honor Classes (for example HONORS 296).

The remaining 12 points can be completed through Designated Honor Sections, H-Options, through Honor Classes, or Exchange Points.

Below are all the ways to earn honor points. To apply for exchange points fill out the application here.

Number of Honors Points: Dependent on the Course (for example, a student would earn three (3) Honors points in a 3-credit course and only one (1) Honors credit in a 1-credit course)

SDES Unit: University Honors Program

  • Honors Courses are one of the two main ways (the other being H-Option Projects) by which students can complete the University Honors Program's residency requirement. The residency requirement states that a minimum of nine (9) Honors points must be earned through Honors courses or H-Options.

  • A course grade of a B or better is required to earn Honors points for the course.

View a complete list of Honors courses

Number of Honors Points: Dependent on the Course (for example, a student who successfully completes an H-Option in a 4-credit course would earn four (4) Honors [points]

SDES Unit: University Honors Program

  • H-Option Projects are one of the two main ways (the other being Honors Courses) by which students can complete the University Honors Program's residency requirement. The residency requirement states that a minimum of nine (9) Honors credits must be earned through Honors courses or H-Options.

  • Honors students enrolled in a non-honors course may complete an H-Option Project designed in collaboration with an instructor to augment their learning in the course.

  • A course grade of a B or better on a completed and approved H-Option Project is required.

  • In order to graduate with University Honors, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative UW-W GPA of 3.4 and earn twenty-one (21) Honors credits.

More information about H-Options Projects.

Number of Honors Points: typically three (3) Honors Exchange Points

Cooperating SDES Unit: Office of Global Experiences

  • Honors students who complete an international travel study course may apply to have their course converted to Global-Honors Exchange Points.

  • For their successful completion of a credit-bearing travel study course, including a formal presentation at an Office of Global Experiences promotional event upon their return (if requested), Honors students will earn Global-Honors Exchanges equivalent to the number of course points of the travel study course.

  • A course grade of a B or better on a completed and approved H-Option Project is required.

  • In order to graduate with University Honors, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative UW-W GPA of 3.4 and earn twenty-one (21) Honors points.

  • Up to nine (9) of the twenty-one (21) Honors points may be earned through Global-Honors Exchanges (this includes credits earned through travel studies and semesters abroad).

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, Honors Students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors points through Honors coursework or H-Option Projects.

For more information on the international travel study opportunities available at 足彩平台, please visit the Office of Global Experiences.

Number of Honors Credits: 6 Honors exchange points per Semester Abroad

Cooperating SDES Unit: Office of Global Experiences

  • Honors students who complete a semester abroad program may apply for Global-Honors exchange points.

  • A formal reflection piece upon the conclusion of the study abroad experience is required.

  • A formal presentation at an Office of Global Experiences promotional event after the study abroad experience may be required.

  • In order to graduate with University Honors, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative UW-W GPA of 3.4 and earn twenty-one (21) Honors credits.

  • Up to nine (9) of the twenty-one (21) Honors credits may be earned through Global-Honors Exchanges (this includes credits earned through travel studies and semesters abroad).

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, Honors Students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors credits through Honors coursework or H-Option Projects.

For more information on semester abroad opportunities available to students at 足彩平台, please visit the Office of Global Experiences.

Number of Honors Points: Three (3) Honors exchange points per Year

Cooperating SDES Unit: King/Chavez Scholars Program

  • Eligible King/Chavez Scholars who wish to join the University Honors Program are required to meet with the Honors Program Director to create a pathway to University Honors Program completion.

  • In order to graduate with University Honors, a KC-Honors student must maintain a minimum cumulative UW-W GPA of 3.4 and earn twenty-one (21) Honors points.

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, KC-Honors students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors credits through Honors coursework or H-Option Projects.

  • If a King/Chavez Scholar is admitted into and successfully completes the McNair Scholars Program, the terms and conditions of the Agreement between the McNair Scholars Program and the University Honors Program would apply.

  • If a King/Chavez Scholar does not join the McNair Scholars Program, the King/Chavez Scholar is eligible (like most Honors students) to earn Honors exchange points through Honors Program exchanges with other SDES high-impact practice units.

For more information, please see the Director of the King/Chavez Program or the Director of the University Honors Program. For more information on the KC Scholars Program.

Number of Honors Points: Six (6) Honors exchange points per Year

Cooperating SDES Unit: McNair Scholars Program

  • Eligible McNair Scholars who wish to join the University Honors Program are required to meet with the Honors Program Director to create a pathway to University Honors Program completion.

  • In order to graduate with University Honors, a McNair-Honors student must maintain a minimum cumulative UW-W GPA of 3.4 and earn twenty-one (21) Honors points.

  • Up to twelve (12) of the twenty-one (21) Honors points may be earned through McNair-Honors Exchanges.

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, Honors Students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors Points through Honors coursework or H-Option projects. 

For more information, please see the Director of the McNair Scholars Program or the Director of the University Honors Program. For more information on the McNair Scholars Program.

Number of Honors points: Three (3) Honors Exchange points per Year

Cooperating SDES Unit: Undergraduate Research Program

  • Honors students in RAP are partnered with a faculty researcher in their chosen field and assist the faculty researcher with a research project.

  • For their successful completion of online RAP training, a year of faculty-led research, and presentation at 足彩平台's Undergraduate Research Day, Honors students will earn three (3) Undergraduate Research-Honors Exchange points.

  • Up to nine (9) of the twenty-one (21) Honors points may be earned through Undergraduate Research-Honors Exchanges (this includes points earned through RAP, Undergraduate Research Grants, and SURF).

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, Honors students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors points through Honors coursework or H-Option Projects.

For more information on the RAP-Honors Exchange, please see the Director of the University Honors Program. For more information on RAP, visit the Undergraduate Research Program.

Number of Honors points: Three (3) Honors Exchange points per Undergraduate Research Project

Cooperating SDES Unit: Undergraduate Research Program

  • Honors students work with a faculty mentor to propose and conduct their own research project.

  • For their successful completion of an Undergraduate Research Project, Honors students will earn three (3) Undergraduate Research-Honors Exchange points.

  • The Undergraduate Research Program requires presentation of all Undergraduate Research Grant projects at 足彩平台's Undergraduate Research Day, as well as one other conference (usually either the National Conference for Undergraduate Research or the UW-System Symposium).

  • Up to nine (9) of the twenty-one (21) Honors points may be earned through Undergraduate Research-Honors Exchanges (this includes points earned through RAP, Undergraduate Research Grants, and SURF).

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, Honors Students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors points through Honors coursework or H-Option projects.

For more information on the Research-Honors Exchange, please see the Director of the University Honors Program. For more information on the Undergraduate Research Grants, visit the Undergraduate Research Program.

Number of Honors points: Three (3) Honors Exchange points per Project

Cooperating SDES Unit: Undergraduate Research Program

  • Honors students work with a faculty mentor to propose and conduct an extensive research project that begins in the summer and is completed in the academic year.

  • For their successful completion of a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Honors students are eligible to earn three (3) to four (4) Undergraduate Research-Honors Exchange points.

  • To receive three (3) Undergraduate Research-Honors Exchange points, Honors students must present their project at UW-W's Undergraduate Research Day and one other conference (usually either the National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) or the UW-System Symposium).

  • To receive four (4) Honors Exchange points, Honors students must present their project at UW-W's Undergraduate Research Day, NCUR, or UW-System Symposium, and one additional professional conference.

  • Up to nine (9) of the twenty-one (21) Honors points may be earned through Undergraduate Research-Honors Exchanges (this includes points earned through RAP, Undergraduate Research Grants, and SURF).

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, Honors Students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors points through Honors coursework or H-Option Projects.

For more information on the Research-Honors Exchange, please see the Director of the University Honors Program. For more information on SURF, visit the Undergraduate Research Program.

Number of Honors points: Dependent on the Course (for example, a student who successfully completes a 3-credit CBL course would earn three (3) Honors points)

Cooperating SDES Unit: Community Based Learning Program

  • Honors students complete fifteen (15) hours of direct, face-to-face contact with a partner community organization in a Community Based Learning course.

  • Honors Students should note that training, prep, project work, and reflection are additional requirements, and may not be recorded as part of the 15 required hours for the Honors Exchange portion of the CBL course.

  • A course grade of a B or better on a completed and approved H-Option Project is required.

  • Up to nine (9) of the twenty-one (21) Honors points may be earned through CBL-Honors Exchanges.

  • Additionally, as with all Honors-Exchanges, Honors Students must complete the Honors residency requirement by completing nine (9) Honors points through Honors coursework or H-Options projects prior to graduating with University Honors.

For more information on the CBL-Honors Exchange, please visit the Community-Based Learning.


If you are a scholar athlete who participated in an official collegiate (not intramural) sport at 足彩平台, then you may apply for a total of three Honors points. Since all other Exchange points require a scholarship or research component, you must also submit a well-written Academic Reflections paper (~1,200 words or 3-4 pages) in order to apply for these Exchange points.

Your reflection paper should be well-written and incorporate at least one scholarly source. The Honors Director will propose 2-3 possible scholarly sources that you could use, but you are also welcome to locate another scholarly source that might pertain directly to your sport or your interests.

If you have any questions, please contact

  • reflect on how participation in (collegiate) sports has enhanced your life and development of self. You are welcome to use first-person singular in this paper, and you are encouraged to reflect personally on a sport that is meaningful to you.
  • connect your identity as an athlete to your identity as a scholar. That is, why did you decide to participate in both athletics and the Honors Program, and what did you learn by doing both?
  • consider how participation in collegiate athletics has enhanced, hampered, or balanced your participation in a challenging academic program like the Honors Program. What did you learn by participating in a rigorous academic program while also balancing a demanding athletic schedule?
  • incorporate a scholarly article selected by the Honors director. The Honors Student is also welcome to incorporate a relevant scholarly source of their own choosing as long as the source is reputable. This component makes the Academic Reflection paper have more dimension and weight than a casual reflection paper.
  • reflect on the sociology of sports in some way. That is, how might your experience highlight the intersection of sports and another concept such as race, class, gender, or sexuality? Or, how might your participation in university athletics comment on concepts including but not limited to leadership/achievement; community or team building; growth mindset; the triad of physical, intellectual, and emotional health; self-discipline; self-improvement; and/or grit? Note: you should not try to cover all of the ideas mentioned. Focus on 1-3 key ideas that are relevant to your experience as a scholar-athlete.
  • have a title and correctly cite your scholarly source at the end of your paper. If you are not sure how to do so, you may want to consult a free citation maker such as






David Welsch

Professor of Economics

University Honors Dirrector

University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

College of Business and Economics